Hi, here are some links to related papers, to give you some conceptual frame work and one case study. All links are directly downloadable or leads to the main page to where to download the paper and also grasping the context in which it occured (edited 20040804 - see below for added resources).
On "sustainopreneurship"/sustainability entrepreneurship - in English (and one presentation in German)
PhD Dissertation by Kai Hockerts
...includes two case studies (sustainable coffee in UK and car sharing made commercial in Switzerland) and two proposed findings and lessons (the sustainability entreprenurship process and various focuses in different stages/phases and managerial/organizational/strategic question of managing two antagonistic assets)
"Sustainability Entrepreurship and Innovation" - a good Conceptual Conference paper by Anne Gerlach
...one other profiled researcher focusing sustainability entrepreneurship (in the team lead by S Schaltegger at Uni of Lueneburg)
"Vom Bionier zum Sustainopreneur" by the mentioned professor Schaltegger
...one PowerPoint presentation (in German - the PDF file), from a conference dating to 2000, scroll down that paper collection to find his presentation on that web page. Note especially the positioning of "Sustainopreneurship" in the conceptual three dimensional matrix in page 5 out of 12.
Case study - Vestas (DK) Windpower Story
...how to build a company on renewable energy - the Danish market leader in one of the world's fastest growing industries
That, for a start.
EDIT (update 20040804):Here is the link also to the A. Gerlach paper (in German) from the first international research conference call that mentioned Sustainoprenership as an explicit workshop Call for Papers (SMIA '03 - Sustainable Management in Action in Geneva 4-6 Sept 2003) - one on the "other" side of Sustainopreneurship than the Start-Up, and that is about the Intrapreneurship side. Total archives being here.
Innovation and Sustainability Intrapreneurship
One complimentary "flavor" of the extended conceptual body of "entrepreneurship hyphens", is <strong>Interpreneurship. Still there is a fuzzy conception of it (as with all new areas), but you can download one interpretation of it here. L. Serb author, from an anthology in a uni in Hungary.
"The Changing role of the Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship in Network Organizations"
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