Sustainopreneurship = Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability.
- For longer suggested definition/description/wordbook entry in a "future history" format of OED, Oxford English Dictionary online edition, see
- For you who also reads through this blogpost, ADDS A BLOG COMMENT you get rewarded with the FIRST eBOOK FREE as a result of this BlogPoll.
- For detailed topic descriptions, if needed - read on!
- UPDATE - MAY 1 - 1PM CET - POLL HAS CLOSED, since April 30 now left our planet. It was midnight at Niue, the little pacific island owning the domain .nu :). Results presented and commented shortly for now in a new posting!
Research paper soon published in final edit version - broadcast to 7000+ people
I am currently in the final stages of finalizing a research paper [Update: March 28] I have now finalized and submitted a research paper now ready for publishing in proceedings of the conference it was presented on (frontpage rough draft, click to enlarge above), taking the core finding of my multi-year enactive research. It was presented first time in Spring 2005 in the conference "Science for Sustainable Development", and it will be the first academically aimed publication with a systematic attempt to conceptualize "sustainopreneurship".
The core of this paper is the suggested "future history" imagined wordbook entry found here - "define sustainopreneurship". (, [NB March 28: ] that the final edit of the paper also shall be reflected at this link soon (and the screenshot from the rough draft).
This poll is complimentary to a separate posting I will make any day now, with the abstract of the last and final edit of the paper (it has been passing two peer review rounds with the committee with senior researchers/professors), before published in print/conference proceedings. If you want the paper before the rest of the world and public domain, comment to this blog post and I will send it to you. Of natural reasons, it is in quite dry academic format, design and style. It is the core of all action taken emerging from my Action Map found at
Future publishing - applied popularization of the concept
for (pr)acti(ti)on(ers)
The poll is a first step to track and measure the actual interest, and in what direction to take the popularization, the practical, action-oriented application, for the greater audience, far more accessible than the research paper.
To get an idea of the format of the publications:
Download eBookTemplatePDF.pdf
I have deliberately picked some areas I have found worthy and seeing prospective strong results and momentum to speed up the process to create and facilitate further sustainopreneurial ventures - everywhere, globally, regardless of context and locality. Both quantitatively and qualitatively. They will all be published sooner or later, but you govern the order of this publishing loop. I will follow the final result of the poll for this eBook publishing. Every eBook will be around 30 to 40 pages. A dense, content-rich, to-the-point summary, directly guiding pure results-oriented action in the respective area, aimed to support practictioners - sustainopreneurs!
- Branding eBook will cover the art and practice of "Sustainability Branding". This I blogged about earlier as well. WORKING TITLE: "Sustainability Branding: Can Brands Change the World?"
- Financing eBook will be devoted to the concept of "Sustainability Venture Capital". See separate blogpost on the eco6 event for further input on this. WORKING TITLE: "Beyond SRI: Money with a Cause - Sustainability Venture Capital"
- Networking eBook is about getting you and your sustainable venture linked to the rest of the world, and then gaining momentum - and thus making a difference. WORKING TITLE: "You and Your Sustainable Venture: Surviving Life in between Dunbar and Metcalf where Everything is Linked to Everything Else"
- ICT eBook is presenting a vision on getting the whole world online - sustainopreneurship applied in the arena of ICT. WORKING TITLE: "Beyond HotSpots: The HotWorld - Everyone Connected, Everywhere"
- Energy eBook is focusing the area of sustainable distributed energy, holding equal power as the computing transformation getting it to the "personal" level in the area of energy, sun power, fuel cells and so on. WORKING TITLE: "PowerToThePeople: Energy to Sustain, Sustaining With Energy"
All eBooks will be presenting some few highly illustrative and associated case studies of sustainopreneurial ventures all thorougly researched.
For some synopsises further, do check my related Squidoo lens who has all these eBook topics covered in separate lenses.
Full Book in Print, "Business with a Cause"
Published in about one year (add entrepreneurial time optimism factor :). It will also govern the direction and priority I will post in the pending BookBlog, "Business with a Cause", mentioned in the sidebar, to follow interest. The Book Synopsis will also get a future posting with presentation, around ~200 pages, and aim to be complimentary and present the wider picture to this, integrated. Filled especially with case studies of strong sustaionpreneurial ventures already "brought to the Planet and People" all over the world.
ChangeThis Manifesto
Going together with this is also a first FREE popularization with a general intro to this applied and popular arena of reading - the Manifesto titled "Business with a Cause - the Sustainopreneurial Manifesto", landing at ~20 pages, also in the authoring process. See earlier blogposts from 2005.
Your voice is heard.
I listen.
And I would especially value your comment and discussion associated to this posting, witnessing the vote and your motivation (and where you have the chance to influence coming voters to get your favourite and wanted reading ;).
Voting ends one month from now, April 15 April 30 [see updates re: changed date] at midnight.
Thank you for your contribution!
PS. As a devoted sign of appreciation, dear reader - if you vote and place comments here to this posting giving your motivation and thougths, I will send you a FREE copy of the first eBook to be published as a result of this poll. Otherwise, these eBooks will be published with a working price tag at the moment set to $6 each, charged with the micro-payment premium content distributor So, go ahead, vote and give your voice :) ! DS.
- Add 1 | March 17: Screenshots of frontpages of research paper and eBook, download of eBook template.
- Add 2 | March 18: Some intro and small edits/design
- Update 1 | March 17: This poll is extended to April 30 after doing some voting/statistics analysis, to get a good research loop, since this blogpost is circulated in portions in my existing network.
- Update 2 | March 23: Created a Google Group - those who comment will be invited to join, and membership is by invitation only, or apply with a reason why you want to join. See Group Homepage for further info. No cost, no obligations, no committments. Just interesting converation for mutual learning!
- Update 3 | March 26: All comments added deserve a response from me, so conversation commences from this blog/poll establish a thread in the Sustainopreneurship Group forum at Google Group. Response to the first comment added there - [link]. And yes, cross-linking increases Google Rank - good to have the ideas spreading, yours as well as mine, right ;) ?
- Update 4 | March 28: Research paper in final third writing and draft now submitted and ready for publishing in Conference Proceedings, see updates in the text above.
- Update 5 | April 24: Last broadcasts on the blog poll in the loop, and the poll is closed April 30. Now the spontaneous ones in the wider circle on certain mailing lists and virtual communities of practice is to be reached. I will add lists that it was broadcasted to after I have posted. --- I also point to the opportunity to join the related group I moderate on - This is open for everyone interested by just joining the platform (there is a free and premium level membership), and then join the group. --- THE RESULTS OF THIS BLOG POLL WILL BE PUBLISHED IN ITSELF. The result of the Blog Poll will in itself also be published in a separate article to be posted on the Summit of the Future conference website in May 3-5 in Amsterdam, and in a white paper shared to the eco6 conference on SRI/CSR, Oct 9-10, in a dedicated and related open forum at the event.
An update note on commenting (April 24): If you do not want to add your comment here in public, you can always drop a note in private message to blogpoll [at] in a mail, and I get it directly. The free first eBook qualification still remains :). I am interested to your ideas and voice, did I say that ;) ?
Google Group Homepage. Browse archives of Sustainopreneurship Google Group;
Sustainopreneurship Group | |
Browse Archives at |
I believe many would read a paper, report, book on Sustainopreneurship to boost their own vision. This is why I encourage you to build up any publication or speech as much as your scientific sides allow you towards this end. I'm talking of the rhetorical/dramaturgical satisfaction of vision as a climax, but also about vision as a channel to put all my inspiration into, after reading some of your work.
Further more, personally, I would appreciate, if not a presentation, at least a glimps of how economy as a whole could function differently from today. I'm talking a brief guide with references to alternative economic systems, or visions of economic systems. Many feel stuck in today's economic system/-s and need a reminder of the personal and collective choices that are actually "out there".
Let's see if any (more) of this can fit in nicely somewhere and popularize the concept of Sustainopreneurship as well as vision in a broader sense.
(Don't get me wrong. I'm trying to say visions is your game, throwing it out there to see about concensus..;-)
Maybe the paradigm shift under way in the media could serve as an analogy or something, or am I just squeezing that in everywhere nowadays?!!
Posted by: Johan Thomas | 20 March 2006 at 11:44 AM
Further to all the correspondence you an I have exchanged and looking into the work that you are doing I can say without a doubt that your project will "endure" readers and attract "attention."
Furthermore, I believe in what you're doing beyond the scope of critical analysis; I tend to look at the "emotional" impact on society of projects such as this and your project captures the true "spirit" of what everyone in the world knows but finds it difficult to articulate.
I commend you on your work and value your "integrity" and your "passion;" without this solid belief in what you are doing any project is doomed. The Emotional, Intellectual and Physical Exertion of such a far reaching vision demands nothing but excellence; a quote: "Demand excellence and you'll get very good; demand very good and your project will do poorly."
You my friend demand excellence from yourself; that much is clear to me. Therefore your project will turn out very good.
Posted by: Michael Pokocky | 27 March 2006 at 10:43 AM
I chose the eBook on Energy as my first choice because I believe sustainable distributed energy will enable the emergence of peer to peer organisations which will ultimately unleash the power of a deep support economy.
I like the definition of peer to peer from Michel Bauwen, for me it beautifully encapsulates the charactersitics of 21st century organisations...
"Briefly put, peer to peer is a form of human network-based organization, more precisely a distributed network, which rests upon the free participation of equipotent partners, engaged in the production of common resources, without recourse to monetary compensation as key motivating factor, and not organized according to hierarchical methods of command and control."
I recommend this site for further information
I wish every success Anders in delivering the message of sustainability entrepreneurship.
Posted by: Rosalind Cannell | 03 April 2006 at 01:49 PM
Hi Anders. Your concept of sharing knowledge through e-books is wonderful. My question is: is it possible to make these available through offline media, since many of 'sustainopreneurs' would not have the resources to access them online? Your thoughts please.
Posted by: Adite Chatterjee | 06 April 2006 at 06:26 PM
Dear Johan, Michael, Ros, Adite,
Thank you all for the comments and endorsements so far to ideas now proliferating.
As you know, I have set up a Google Group, and the conversation there is now commencing! You all got feedback on your comments and thoughts there. In that way, we keep the line and stream of comments free and clean, and when a pointer leads to a good discussion, the discussion forum for this blog post and sustainopreneurship in general develops over "there".
Thank you all for your feedback! And yes, you all qualified for the first eBook to be published for free :). You all will be mentioned in acknowledgements as well, of course.
Posted by: Anders Abrahamsson | 07 April 2006 at 01:52 PM
Great concept Anders. I voted for ENERGY. It's always been my belief that the exchange of ideas is an exchange of energy -- sharing ideas with one another recharges our internal innovation energy reserves. Your vision for Sustainopreneurship sounds like one great big 'battery of brilliance!' I look forward to learning more about the project.
Posted by: Don The Idea Guy | 10 April 2006 at 04:03 PM
If I should have Anders write a book on one of the above topics, I'd want you to develops your thoughts and ideas on networking. I'm impressed with your methods of work in that field, I think you make unique contributions and that you are a forerunner in many respects in the way you think and work like a true networker.
Posted by: Hannes | 10 April 2006 at 11:50 PM
Sustainopreneurship itself is an innovative approach: whatever new we do we need a name for it. Without relevant generic terms you can hardly do any creative work. Sustainopreneurship, however, is a difficult word. It is essential that it not only be defined, but also explained thoroughly enough so as to rub in.
Why I think the book should deal with networking (i.e. the networking aspect of sustainopreneurship) is because a network of like-minded enthousiasts effortlessly creates the "critical mass" necessary for the survival of that concept... Let us hope that the network will then accomplish more than just safeguard the survival of the concept in point. ,,,igor,,,
Posted by: Igor Gazdík | 11 April 2006 at 03:39 PM
Looking forward to more from you. I see the future of sustainopreneurship in dialogue and discovery - around your topic areas - not the topics themselves... The opportunity to connect - cognitively, emotionlly - viscerally with another individual - or individuals is what creates sustainability...
Just a thought
Nicholas Paranelle
Organizational Alchemist(TM)
Posted by: Nicholas Paranelle | 25 April 2006 at 10:17 AM
Hi Anders,
My picks would be in the following order:
1. Branding
2. Finiancing
3. Networking
4. ICT
Posted by: Luminus | 25 April 2006 at 06:23 PM
I chose the book about networking, since I am aiming to work internationally and across borders with environmental issues. It would then be necessary for me to be able to establish contact with people and reach out to the smaller NGO's that would be interested in international cooperation, that might need a helping hand in spreading their visions.
Posted by: Hjalmar Nordén | 26 April 2006 at 04:06 PM
Peace. I also chose the book on networking, but it is only because that is my main focus (I also do a lot with branding!) All these topics are important. You're doing some very interesting work, and looking forward to seeing how it moves forward.
in community,
Posted by: Steve Habib Rose | 01 May 2006 at 04:48 AM
I have purposely selected some places and found suitable and seeing potential powerful outcomes and strength to rate up the process to make and assist in further efforts.
Posted by: אומנויות לחימה | 17 January 2012 at 05:10 PM