HubPages - a new venture that uses a similar business model and approach as Squidoo - went from private, closed beta testing to public beta August 5.
I was a part of the private beta and I was setting up a number of HubPages, one of them directly a companion to this Blog.
The idea of my main HubPage on Sustainopreneurship is to have fixed, more stable content in the article form - easily accessed - to support the more dynamic feed of Blog Posts here. The main HubPages related to this Blog are quite a few, naturally, but for idea and practice I would point you to two:
"Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause"
It works both as a predecessor to my book chapter to be included in the forthcoming book on science for sustainable development, and also as a fixed starting point for the book "Business with a Cause". The hub page has a screen shot of the abstract of my contribution, as well as the proposed definition and some relevant links. Also, the RSS feed from this blog is added to point here.
Of the reasons above, I added this fixed link to the sidebar content of this blog.
"The Hot World Vision - A World Online?"
If the above page is dominated by ideas and theory, this one is on encouragement and inspiration of applied sustainopreneurial action. It features a vision to get the whole world online, and also presents some case studies with enablers and tools of change, some businesses focused on microfinance, solar energy and rural connectivity in the emerging economies, together with a reference on sustainable trade.
"Social-Business Networking - surviving life in between Metcalf and Dunbar"
For startups of any kind, networking is crucial - and for micro-entrepreneurs wherever they are, online networking is increasing in importance. Networking is one of the key enablers for sustainopreneurship, thus the page focused on this subject with some main references for the deeper approach on networking.
Some other HubPages are on
- Branding (sustainability branding),
- CSR (and beyond!) and
- SRI (on SVC, sustainability venture capital).
Comments welcome - and also, add your own content to join the conversation! If you appreciate my efforts, do click "YES" if my articles were useful for you!
For my full published list, see my profile.
Welcome to join the HubPages party!
(And yes, by the way, you get paid through contextual advertising related to your content - automatically ;) - a split in between HubPages admin and development, and a favourable 60 percent to you! The greatest advantage towards Squidoo, that shares only some of the profit, not the revenue as with HubPages - I earned more on the few days on HubPages that I have done in months of Squidoo adding - and since it was so little made on Squidoo I kept it to go all the way first to their charities of choice, and now I changed to support the micro credit movement through the charity of my choice, Grameen Foundation USA. The HubPages revenue though, goes towards the work to research sustainopreneurship further in idea, action and results, with the explicit goal to have the term with one million hits and beyond on Google before end of 2008 - stated in my HubPages Profile.)
UPDATE #1 | Aug 11, 2006: HubPages begins to generate some media attention now. SiliconBeat, the Mercury News house blog, "Hubpages helps you publish and make money; raises $2 million" - with the first coverage in the house-blog for all Web 2.0-ish buzz-creator aspirants, TechCrunch. Of course.
Very interesting blog and site, and I'm sure I will return to it. If you are interested in these ideas, you 'must' be interested in visiting my blog as well.
More from the NGO-perspective, but not the traditional view.
The archives contain interesting posts as well, like the "Beyond Balance series" (starts in September 2006)
Posted by: Wouter Kersten | 05 January 2007 at 05:07 PM