The Southern Hemisphere Branding/Media/Fashion Maverick, New Zealander-Chinese and my virtual friend Jack Yan (see memed blogroll below) pimped my blog on a recent meme, where the social experiment is an attempt seemingly to try to fire up the Swedish blog-o-sphere, that really never has taken off in the same manner - and especially in the same way - as in e. g. US (even though the first UnConference now reaches Sweden). I will return with a more insightsful post about that later. But this has resulted that
1. I hardly read any Swedish blogs, and
2. Since the developments I track are quite under-represented here in Sweden (Sustainopreneurship, Web 2.0, EDM to name three of my main tags in my "Identity Tag Cloud" - ping me if there are anyone I missed and to bust my prejudice!), I hardly write about Sweden either.
So - paradoxically, Jack Yan is certainly writing more about Sweden than I do - and thus he got added to the list as a "honorary Swede" :).
After some research and thought-tracking, I added my three contributions from Swedes that actually writes posts in English worth an internantional audience, so here it goes. Bengt Wendel @ Targetz does some good short note-taking on what's going on regards networking, internet and business, and blogs from Öresund region. Richard Gatarski has one of the longest track records in the intersection in between Media+Marketing+Web and has survived all upgrades of the Web almost from Web 0.1 residing in the academia and now free outside of Stockholm University and is together with Bengt an addicted multi-blogger. Daniel Hansson has a very prominent blog with the climate science, a good source to keep up with latest climate news from the research community (natural science, not social or political), and sometimes makes a good myth-busting with its current media hype.
So now I ping you three, and see what's happening. Let the Swedish blogs roll!
Paste the text in a new blog entry. Just before the text write a
short notice where you describe the list and link to the blogger that
added you. This is very important, as it avoids duplicate links. Also
because somebody added you, it’s nice to given them an extra incoming
Copy all text and all links below
1. Paste the text in a new blog entry. Just before the text write a
short notice where you describe the list and link to the blogger that
added you. This is very important, as it avoids duplicate links. Also
because somebody added you, it’s nice to given them an extra incoming
2. Take the list under ‘Mina 3 tillägg’ below and add them
under ‘Originallistan’. Feel free to change the text link for your own
blog to vary the keywords on your incoming links.
3. Add up to (max) three blogs under the headline ‘Mina 3 tillägg’.
4. Contact the ones you added under ‘Mina 3 tillägg’ and ask them to do the same.
Kopiera all text och alla länkar nedan
1. Klistra in texten i ett nytt blogginlägg. Precis innan den
kopierade texten skriver du ett kort stycke där berättar om listan och
länkar till den bloggaren som lade till dig på listan. Det här är
viktigt eftersom det därmed inte skapas duplicerade inlägg. Eftersom
någon också lade till dig på listan torde det inte var för mycket
begärt att bjuda på en extra inlänk till den personen.
2. Ta
listan under ‘Mina 3 tillägg’ från bloggen som lade till dig och lägg
till dem under rubriken ‘Originallistan’. Känn dig fri att ändra
länktexten till din egen blogg för att få varierade nyckelord i dina
kommande inlänkar.
3. Lägg själv till max 3 st bloggar under ‘Mina 3 tillägg’.
4. Kontakt de som du har lagt till och be dem göra samma sak.
Mina 3 tillägg
Weconverse - Richard Gatarski
Targetz - Bengt Wendel
Klimatbloggen - Daniel Hansson
The Medinge Group press room
Anders Abrahamsson
Media Culpa
Fredrik Wackå
Elias Kai—Google Kai
Jack Yan: the Persuader Blog
Andreas Kristensson
Nicolai Wadström
Detective Marketing
Pelles blogg
Jimmy Höög
Fyra nyanser av brunt
Beta Alfa
Nobel Prize Winner
SEO Sverige
Code Odyssey blogg
Rund Kvadrat
Jeff Pulve
This post is Creative Commons Developing World Licensed in the Developing World
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