1. A picture tells more than thousand words.
2. A tagcloud tells more than 6000+ words.
Ergo sum:
Click on the Pic to get to the For-Ever archived version of the Tag-Cloud in ecosystem Green, social system Red and economic system Blue (the "sustainability conceptual brand" colo[u]rs) using Wordle.net.
I had to take some turns and twists before I could get to more systematic writing, since I live in a chaordic world and using my now 43 year old experience of Living and some old certificates in the lifelong strive to get the Master of Arts (not Science!) in Life Administration to get by.
I have consumed too many words / produced too much of your attention (or vice versa, what is it?) already.
Just telling you, that some insight break-throughs have led to the fact I need to summarize some "statement pages" headlined by some "key tags" in my "action/identity cloud", and I feel they will double as intro pages in the book flow somewhere.
^ And that last sentence works more like a teaser for you to stay in touch.
This is a Conversation, this is not Content. And I work myself up to next levels: Collaboration, Cohesion, Confluence, Change!
No one can do it alone.
Especially not with this topic, and especially not here and now in our times and worlds! In need to unify.
In short - I need your help!
"With a little help from my friends."Lennon/McCartney
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