One year ago, I started the article on Sustainopreneurship on Wikipedia. The story about the publishing covering the first 24ish hours of its history is here. Paradoxically, I expected in the worst-case scenario a multiple-front "wiki-war" defending the article - but an anti-climax occurred when it basically has been resting untouched all upon until now. That means it actually has sifted in into general vocabulary actually usable at a higher level.
It's time to upgrade all the efforts to really get the word out, and the concept really widespread. Here is a to-do list of what to come.In focus are the efforts that have been drenched in the marinade over the last year, and not been systematically done. It is a public to-do list, which will be checked and linked when efforts gets completed - so follow the journey, where "checking" gets notified through Twitter, and the to-do list get more and more strike-thru's!
The Book - #causebizbook
Re-editing the Book Wiki with the last iteration in outline change, and authoring process change reflected
Launching crowd-funding effort in trade of print versions for the pioneer reader circle
The Campaign - #1Mcc
Completing the sub-pages, one by one, with Social Media spread with every page completed on the campaign website
Broadcasting the Petition
The Organization - ÆREAS
Constituting the Organization
Updating the website - (»
Getting an upgrade of the community presence - Sustainopreneur's Café
The SLICE Hands-On Sessions
- Workshops and Webinars - "Social Media for (Social) Entrepreneurship" - November
Presenting the offline workshop in Stockholm
Presenting the virtual webinar series
Updating other websites and virtual profiles
Anders Abrahamsson personal website - (» fixed home page)
SLICE Services and Publishing business website - (» fixed home page)
About Page on this blog
Completing the About Page on the new Swedish blog -
All Ning communities profiles with new generic Text Boxes covering the above
Publish new representation format of "action map" focusing "sustainopreneurship" and "music", as covered above
The Soundtrack - #djanders
Upgrading the redirect of to a better landing page
Recording three mixes - Summer Summary, SSWC Tribute, Fall Promo
There seem to be alot to do. GTD - Getting Things Done. Let's get started!
Towards one million hits of Sustainopreneurship on Google -
The other late night I digged deep into different crowdsourcing initiatives, tools and approaches on the net. There are alot of resources, and I will blog separately on that. Now I test my Twitter Followers, Facebook Friends and LinkedIn Network who will be the most attentive to sign my little pledge - you landed here on this blog post if you captured my message from either of the platforms!
This blog post is fed automatically to Twitter with a headline notification, and to Facebook in my stream through the app Networked Blogs. If I don't reach 10 to sign the pledge by those two spaces, I will also ping my LinkedIn network.
Here is the badge to the pledge engine I found - PledgeBank!
I will present related crowdsourcing apps all related to the proliferation of the sustainopreneurship movement at large during the coming week - using them in sharp action to support my initiatives!
Yesterday my guest blogging on Internetdagarna was published, and today it's the week's most popular in track/topic "Mobility". I will translate both in full here on this blog, and publish them in one blog post/flow when I've written both parts - the second pre-event blogging before my live reporting from the event takes place is in one week.
It also recieved alot of great feedback - thank you all who made my spirit go up beyond the publishing! Here is the current frontpage and the spot "most popular this week".
I've been invited to - hosted by the Swedish .se foundation - as a live blogger to cover the track on Internet in the Mobile Phone. As a pre-event-blogging, I will blog two blog posts trying to cover the history and possible future(s) of mobile Internet. Blog posts are in Swedish, but you can always use Google Translate-Into-English bookmarklet for whatever you stumble upon, right? Or whatever language you master and prefer ;).
As you see, history really is history - found this pic in Ericsson's pic archive. I was three years old when this picture was taken :). 1969, that is. I realize one of the Godfathers of the Modern Mobile Phone is attending the days - Östen Mäkitalo! He's mentioned also in the blog post, of course :). Can't take "history" and "mobile phone" in the same sentence, without mentioning Östen!
Check out on the event site tomorrow 09.00 CET for the posting!
When we adress the problem of climate change, one method that usually gets mentioned, is ”carbon offset”.
The basic thinking is that you compensate for your action results of
CO2 emission by buying different kinds of compensating efforts – to go ”carbon neutral”.
There is a strong difference in offset methods, though, and this needs
to be prominently addresses. In one end it could just maintain
”business as usual”, investing in methods such as planting trees to
absorb CO2 or take the greenhouse gases into the mountains. This does
not affect the original source of the emissions – it is ”end of pipe”
solutions. What we need is to focus ”beginning of pipe” innovations –
and if the offset program focuses on the necessary technology shift
towards sustainable distributed energy and mobility scaling, then it is
of the better. In fact, then it becomes a main driver and (investment)
forces to support this shift, in demand of disruptive sustainability
I would specifically like to adress three areas for these kinds of solution-oriented, long term-focused investment – solar energy for developing countries, aeroplanes and cars.
Developing countries- solar energy
Shifting kerosene and charcoal as energy sources in developing
economies, and increasing access to electricity is crucial for development. Modern applications of renewable energy sources emerging
from “clean tech” can literally (em)power the people! Extending the
homework hours for the kids and some extra job hours at home can be
made possible through Solar Home Systems, at the same time as the
health damaging effects from kerosene lamps are gone. Micro hydro is
also an efficient small-scale solution as opposed to the big water
dams. Power at family and community level means power to the people,
community up, not top down.
Solar energy and other forms of sustainable distributed small-scale infrastructure organized energy forms are financed through E+Co.
There you can directly calculate how much an investment in small-scale
renewable energy solutions providers mean in CO2 displacement, oil
barrels and numbers of people helped to get a solar home system. Here,
in this context, Grameen Shakti
is worth mentioning, using micro finance as a model to provide
villagers with renewable energy. Grameen Shakti have won the
‘Alternative Nobel Prize’: The Right Livelihood Award.
One of the strongest emission sources is aeroplanes. There is no
tendencies that we decrease our travel through flights, with the latest
Airbus now swallowing beyond 600 persons and additional tracks are
added to airports. What we need is a shift of the means of driving
these planes, an area that Virgin Green Fund and Sir Richard Branson has addressed in the billion dollar investment portfolio.
The technology holding the promise in relative short term to provide a technology shift of cars is the “plug in hybrid”,
where you use both electricity with recharging aside fuels such as
ethanol, and further along the road maybe a hundred percent electrical
car, such as the one developed by Tesla Motors – the Tesla Roadster.
Go Sustainable in Carbon Offset – choose the right program
Looking for carbon offset providers that focus renewable energy and
energy efficiency improvement method development is far more
sustainable, and generates a change engine empowering the so much
needed shift towards a sustainable emission vision of getting to 350 parts per million of CO2 concentration in the biosphere (visit campaign site for more info). And we're in a hurry. Act fast - the clock is ticking. Let the Tesla Roadster be symbolic of the speed needed for the urgent technology shift and implementing the solution. You can make a change - with both your purchasing and investing power!
Today it's the last day to vote on the 16 "ideas that change the world", that was the 10 year anniversary present from Google. Over 154 000 ideas were submitted by the "crowd", including one from my corner. That overwhelming response from this initiative made the sourcing for final ideas to vote on a huge task for the employees from Google set to filter them out. Two broken deadlines, and they decided not to make any new...
Enter September 24, 2009, one year after the competition was announced - and the work from 3 000 Googlians done - they have picked 16 idea themes, where they found a convergence from many of the ideas.
I happily conclude, that the field and theme my idea was related to was among the last 16 to go for the final vote - "social entrepreneurship".
The last selection will be 5 ideas for a board to choose from - and maybe fund efforts to leverage these ideas up to all 5 optionally, sharing 10 million dollars in prize money.
My pick, then, with today as last day to vote, would be Social Entrepreneurship - of course!
I think this initiative is far more interesting right now to follow, than nagging about getting Google Wave invites. Yes, Google Wave does have implications for the "doing" phase of social venturing, improving communication flow within and without sustainability venturing teams with strong leverage, but that thing is not launched yet. And I think contributions from 170 countries, submitting "10^5.2" ideas, is maybe the coolest crowd sourcing initiatives aiming for one thing (Wikipedia still Number One in this sphere) - to find the ideas have greatest world-changing impact! And here, social entrepreneurship was identified by the crowd - yes :) !
"Help social entrepreneurs drive change
Create a fund to support social entrepreneurship. This idea was
inspired by a number of user proposals focused on "social
entrepreneurs" -- individuals and organizations who use entrepreneurial
techniques to build ventures focused on attacking social problems and
fomenting change. Specific relevant ideas include establishing schools
that teach entrepreneurial skills in rural areas; supporting
entrepreneurs in underdeveloped communities; and creating an entity to
provide capital and training to help entrepreneurs build viable
businesses and catalyze sustained community change.
1. Provide targeted capital and business training to help young
entrepreneurs build viable businesses and catalyze sustained community
2. Create a non-profit, venture capital-like revolving fund to invest in high-impact local entrepreneurs
3. Send young American entrepreneurs to underdeveloped communities to
help create small businesses that would economically benefit those
4. Create schools in rural areas to teach local people how to become entrepreneurs
5. Create a private equity fund to help immigrants in developed
countries finance business development in their countries of origin"
This blog is creative commons licensed - with attribution - share alike license. Same license as Wikipedia. As a DJ, I encourage you to remix my (text and pic) stuff ;).
And to make the remix culture live on, do support Creative Commons in their efforts. For the fifth year round, their annual fundraising campaign started yesterday. I intend to buy the Shepard Fiery remix-designed tee, yes :). Logo gone wild!
Blog Soundtrack
Enjoy reading with some music - on demand! I know you are listening to your own music sometimes, because I do it ;). So, no autoplay to disturb your stream :).
This is the A Brand New Year promo mix set, where Part 1 ended 2010, and Part 2 began 2011. For a full description, click the permalink to guide yourself to the set as presented on my promo mix library over at @SoundCloud -
Keep yourself updated through the DJ Anders Blog via and the twitter feed @DJAndersAlerts. And remember - "If it ain't got the groove, it ain't worth the move!" ;).
Sustainopreneurship - Wikipedia Article
Article started October 17, 2008. Story about the publishing blogged here.
About the Concept, Author and Blog, respectively - in 50 words each.
About Sustainopreneurship
Sustainopreneurship means "Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability", or "Business with a Cause". In short, it means to solve a sustainability-related problem by creating/finding a sustainability innovation and take the solution to the market by creative business organizing, and venturing with respect to the needs fulfillment of current and future stakeholders. [read more...]
About the Author
Anders Abrahamsson is a Sustainopreneurial Facilitator, Global Knowledge Nomad and Qualitative Intentional Networker, writing a book on Sustainopreneurship, and running three ventures; SLICE Services and Publishing, DJ Anders, and ÆREAS(i); with a daughter three years old named Nadine, in a relationship with Karin, and happily adopted by her cat Wendy.
[read more...]
About this Blog
This blog is about sustainopreneurship in both abstract and concrete dimensions - idea development, research, reflective practice and proactive application. Key tags are sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity and the social web. The blog is both in English and Swedish depending on the cultural context and target group of the posting.
This blog is licensed by Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 License - Attribute / Share Alike.
Note: new blogs get notified on my twitter account through
I am featured among ~80 blogs in a wider sense related to the topic "Social Entrepreneurship". Subjectively selected as "the best of the best" among 750+ Alltop Topics.
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