Jan 12, 2011 ... NEW YORK (Reuters) - With China virtually cut off and Western markets maturing, Wikipedia is targeting India first and possibly Brazil next ...www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70B6DP20110112 - Cached
Jan 13, 2011 ... For Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, co-founder Jimmy Wales says in an interview with Esquire that the best is yet to come.www.esquire.com/the-side/qa/jimmy-wales-interview-4847748 - Cached
Congratulations, Wikipedia, to your 10 year anniversary! I reblogged the SSL-search of "wikipedia 10 years" thru my Typepad Dashboard, and pick'd these mentions of the event with Reuters and Esquire seemingly the sources "curated" by Google as the most relevant. Go read for yourself :). The rest ends up in Wikipedia in the long run. Knowledge That Lasts beyond the real-time frenzy. Right? :)
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