The final part of the book reasons around the meta-question that has been sticking around since summer in the midst of this decade -
It has acted as an open-questioned punch-line in three main publications placing a foundation for the popular book writing (as copied from the key reference - the Wikipedia article footnotes);
Abrahamsson, A. (2007b), Researching Sustainopreneurship - conditions, concepts, approaches, arenas and questions. An invitation to authentic sustainability business forces. Paper presented at the 13th International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Mälardalens Högskola, Västerås, 10-12 June, 2007
Abrahamsson, A. (2008), Sustainopreneurship – Business with a Cause. The Promise of Creative Organizing for Sustainability. In “Bridging the Functional and Territorial Views on Regional Entrepreneurship and Development”, eds. Bengt Johannisson and Åsa Lindholm-Dahlstrand. Örebro: FSF (Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research). ISBN 91-89301-27-7. [summary of book]
Now, this question will be put first in the book (the Part 0. The Coverage), not last. In the book to become, in emergence. This is logical, since it is viewed as the premier element in order to be a part of the answer to the question, and the next step in the general process with sustainopreneurship applied and spread as a key contributor to create a sustainable world mobilizing people, energies, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship for sustainability.
Two chapters focus on this "meta-process" and how to extend, expand, empower and energize it further. Especially modes of sharing best practices and knowledge across all kinds of borders is focused, and in formats appropriate, virtual/online as well as physical/offline.
Chapter 33 - Collapsing the Degrees of Separation: Where Are You?
This chapter focuses on how to create virtual attraction points using different social media tools such as communities, blogs, forums, microblogs, wikis and websites opening up for user-generated self-organized media formats for conversation and sharing of related text, videos, pictures, graphics and audio, peer to peer. This allows an increased speed of diffusion and transfer of content facilitating the process of collapsing the degrees of separation in between individuals, teams, social networks and communities of practice - all authentically sharing intentions to co-create a sustainable world focusing own sustanopreneurial practices. This increases the proximity and linkage in between ideas, innovations, projects, businesses and organizations generated with the aim to sustain the biosphere and its inhabitants with a holistic world-view and local applied action, and ultimately develop collaborative wisdom. This creates an immaterial gravitational force, and a positive feedback loop, taking us to the "tipping point" - the critical mass - for a transformational change, optimally in the end of business activity driving forces generally and making business activity the key driver to create a sustainable world.
Chapter 34 - Opening the Spaces: Creating Offline Arenas to Put Sustainopreneurship Into Play in Local and Regional Contexts
This chapter focuses two modes of creating arenas for sustainopreneurship applied: one temporary, one permanent. The temporary is the Open Space Technology meeting format to create one to three-day events where common passionate souls sharing vibrancy and attraction to answer the meta-question above. The permanent is to open up spaces to facilitate sustainopreneurial processes - local community centers called "MSZ's" - Micro Sustainopreneurial Zones - used by sustainopreneurs in early stage developments and offer a natural meeting spot combining the best of qualities of both the café and office in the same spot. A café for conversation in between enthisiasts, and an office with a possibility to rent in different time frames: per hour, per day, per week or per month - aimed at maximum six months in general and twelve months in exception to support sustainopreneurial ventures in becoming and ease up especially the obstacles reported by creating this enabling power environment.
These ideas have been covered in numerous of times in the publications above: in the Master Thesis (chapter 5), in the conference article (section 5), in the book chapter (section 8.6). Now an opportunity is created to extend the thoughts and get more into details on how-to aspects with newly written material - moving from one page summarized mentions to full chapters giving justice to the original ideas.
With this book part presentation, all intended book parts have been introduced and summarized, and thus the full outline of this book. The next step is to take this walk-through-the-parts outline as a departure, and create a distilled book synopsis the grasp the essence of the book-in-becoming to attract co-creators. More on this in postings on the writing process categorized [book:process] in the subject headline (and syndicated to Twitter through Twitterfeed - a great way to keep you updated in the process to follow @sliceonline!).
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