From my network comes a question to LinkedIn Answers, a new feature inspired by Yahoo Answers, but where you limit your respondents to your network with closed questions, or the whole LI Community through open questions.
Ronald Woepereis was asking today:
"How will you spend 3.5 million dollars?
My first question on linkedin was "how can i promote doing nothing?". My former collegue Sandeep Kundra said:
'Hi Ron:
I think I am with David Keim on the answer to your question. When there are no other obvious answers, show how large amounts of money can be made doing nothing. That should be a sufficient push for more creative answers on how to promote doing nothing.
Best regards
Sandeep'This was such an inspiration, that i decided to create my first multi-million dollar deal this summer 2007. I read the story of YouTube, and decided 3.5 million dollars is a wonderful amount of money.
So now i am looking for an outlet. I have all the contacts. Now it is up to you.
What will you do with 3.5 million dollars? Remember, money must flow.
First there is an outlet. Next there is a need for the money. Third is where the money flows in.
How will you spend 3.5 your million dollars?"
Since the links supporting your "expertise answer" is three in the form there, and since the answer is limited to 4 000 characters, I repost the answer here, with link references directly attached!
Reposting and addendum with links:
"Spending corresponds to consumption.
Investing corresponds to production.
Is there a conceputal fusion luring in the Spending vs Investing?
Without falling deeper into the trap of neologisms, it's better to go from esoteric to exoteric:
Downright Practical!
Channeling in eight spots (there might be five or three as top X, but definitely not top ten since that is outmoded as a brand and also is not a Fibonacci Number :). And the dendrites in our nervous cells gives inputs, but there is only one output to the Axon, so you should limit yourself for every roadblock to maximum eight, otherwise you get a information traffic jam :).
You communicate to my intuition, Ron, so now I just call attention from it all the way and make a further Top Of Mind flow.
Focus: Institutional Transformation and Creating Arenas for Dialogue - especially offline. Online is a bliss, but offline really makes it go Deep in change!
Investing in the World Citizen Investors that focus Creating Global Prosperity would be best use!1. Scholarship foundation to get start capital for those who want to start a local Muhammad Yunus Support Association/Ashoka chapter to spread further inter-action for micro-entrepreneurship wherever applicable!
2. Campaigning !!Google+Skype+Fon+FirstMileSolutions+Ebay!! to make every hundredth of the Google share of the daily commercial sponsor clicks move towards a new joint investment fund where the investment in Local Communities - 2 million villages/parts of towns comes of maybe 3 000+ people each in average - goes towards micro-entrepreneur/education/health hot-spots empowered with Wireless Internet!
3. Innovating a system add-on to make a good leverage of Wikipedia as the global free textbook for teacher's everywhere, by have a new Wikipedia platform for teacher's guides and pupil's exercises given away for free!
4. Investing in E+Co to have their fund recruiting managers increasing capacity to generate more financial capital for their Solar Home System's/Micro-Hydro/whatever small-scale distributed renewable energy everywhere mission and self-committed assignment!
5. Campaigning Virgin new franchise on new climate investment fund to invest in susainable biodiesel flight fuel!
6. Campaigning RED team to not only invest in Global Fund for AIDS, tubercolosis and Malaria, but also to increase capacity with fund recruitment managers with the International Aids Vaccine Institute to get a Long-term, sustaining, solution to the HIV/AIDS catastrophic and devastating range of implosion of the whole African Continent!
7. Investing in innovative solutions for manufacturing, distribution and marketing of the agricultural modernization tool step One - the Pickaxe - going together with small-scale water innovation cleaning, desinfection and distribution - micro watershed and UV radiation through Soda Pop Pet Bottles lying on the ground water-filled in eight hours!
8. Increase the purchasing power of the Bottom of the Pyramid of 4 billion poeple living below $4 a day, to create and spread the word of Sustainable Trade Everywhere to cut all the agricultural subsidies in OECD and all the trade barriers in these countries for agri- and forestry products, value-added in the long run by reinvesting in the supply chains to impose local job creation, through the national organizations associated to IFAT and FLO!
With a general demand that the secondary increase of money flows should be at least hundred times the original capital in three-to-five years! And the primary demand that the financial capital should be returning to the original fund 7 to 10 years from the original investment - i. e. patient capital, a little more enduring capital than the Venture Capital demand - i. e. Sustainability Venture Capital. Along the road you can increase the speed of the exit also for SVC to move towards "VC-as-usual".
Why this? /.../"
Because - it is with Prosperity omni-present as it is with Peace everywhere: Everybody gains from it!
Peace & Prosperity,
Addendum [Jan 20]: The intuitive flow made some typos and under-explained items here. But the main result of the exercise (private brainstorming), was that I was forced to prioritize using rather intuition than intellect. Now I use the intellect to sort things out here, and what now tells me is that there is a need to dedicate each and everyone in the 1 to 8 list above specific attention to make wider clicks and hopefully trackbacks with people who care. I'll be back, no time promises, but in the right time! What? When it comes is the right time :) !
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