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Virtual ID

  • Identity problem? No, I don't have it. If someone has a problem with my identity, it is not my problem :). My related general life advice: Be authentic to yourself. Here are some reflections and facets of "me".
  • Wink: An overview of primary pages, blogs and community profiles associated with me
    people search by
  • ClaimID: These are authorized web pages that are associated with me.
    Anders Abrahamsson


Lifestream: Friendfeed/30Boxes

Microblogging (personal/private): On Plurk

All my web stuff - lifestream

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My Blogs

  • Anders Abrahamsson FriendFeed - aggregated RSS / "life stream"
    In order to trace ALL my virtual and online activity streams, I have a FriendFeed with an aggregated RSS feed, a so-called "life stream" found over at FriendFeed. Here is the link and the account.
  • iÆREAS - blogging about the sustainopreneurship research organized
    With the intention to get the research associated to sustainopreneurship more organized, ÆREAS is to be constituted during 2009. An interim organization for organic and chaordic growth of the organization and its main stakeholders is in the build, follow progress through the blog.
  • "Etwas Anders - Sofort" - media moblogging
    My Instant Sharings from Here, There and Everywhere. A little unstructured tumblelog offspring growing up aside "Etwas Anders" blog. Mostly Mobile Media Sharing from the field through my Sony Ericsson P1i.
  • Ignition® - Stakeholder Blog
    This is my main sustainopreneurial venture, that I co-found and co-manage with my partner Rikard Jansson. I have been focusing this venture through research and development, and now in execution and establishment stage, with full intended webshop when financed fully. Grab the subscription link/RSS over at the Ignition Blog to get notified when!
  • "Etwas Anders" - a Virtual Moleskine
    A strictly personal blog: My virtual Moleskine (ref: "Raw Material": "Raw" ideas and thoughts, sometimes "raw"/weird humour :). -- Tagged, but not structured. Read at your own risk. "Etwas Anders" is German and Dutch, means "Something Different". And my name is, as you might know - Anders :). My personal life is dominated by my new-born daughter!
  • 43 Tools - the Personal Experience
    Exploring the world of new stuff and approaches to do things alone and together in order to create a sustainable world - mostly sharing stories of own experience: Sandboxed, Tried and Tested. There has been a trend with 43xyz, with things, places and folders, and now I introduce 43tools. There is a lot of innovation out there, especially in information and communication technologies - and approaches - that holds a strong potential to do things totally different that we have done before, ultimately to create a sustainable world.
  • DJ Anders | Joy of Life EDM
    This blog contains news and comments related to the musical part of my universe, with a home in the website Joy of Life EDM! Passionate.
  • Notes from a Sustainopreneur
    This is my main blog, where I try to place main thoughts and "article level" comments and temporary conclusions on contemporary issues related to the general area of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation for sustainability - Sustainopreneurship. Not so every-day'er, and focused / topic oriented. Main news from all releated ventures and new initiatives announced here. Be sure to subscribe to the blog stream if you want to know first what's happening!
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  • I have a quick word guide installed - if you stumble upon a concept unknown, just double-click on the word and you get a fast explanation.

Blog Soundtrack

  • Enjoy reading with some music - on demand! I know you are listening to your own music sometimes, because I do it ;). So, no autoplay to disturb your stream :).
    This is the A Brand New Year promo mix set, where Part 1 ended 2010, and Part 2 began 2011. For a full description, click the permalink to guide yourself to the set as presented on my promo mix library over at @SoundCloud -

    Keep yourself updated through the DJ Anders Blog via and the twitter feed @DJAndersAlerts. And remember - "If it ain't got the groove, it ain't worth the move!" ;).

About 43 Tools

  • If 'Notes from a Sustainopreneur' blog focuses the 'what' aspect of Sustainopreneurship - Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability / Business with a Cause, then this blog focuses on 'how'.

    Why 43Tools? There has been a trend with 43xyz, with things, places and folders, beyond the original coining of the Getting Things Done tool '43 Folders' from David Allen. But not yet have we seen 43tools. So here it is. In short - there are alot of innovation out there, especially in information and communication technologies - and approaches - that holds a strong potential to do things totally different that we have done before. In both soft and hard issues, this blog covers how to make a difference, in different ways and how to differentiate in an increasingly heterogeneous world. Where in the end all tools and enablers holds a strong hope on how to turn this world to be sustainable.

Sustainopreneurship - the Book

  • The Book Blogging Process
    Book-related posts have [book: part name] in Title and categorized 'Book Blog Posts - Business with a Cause', together with their part number and name, 'Part N. The Name'. Comments on the drafts are collected through this Book Blog, and through the virtual community, 'Sustainopreneur's Café'. A related group on the community has been created, and a wiki for draft collection and outline as well, see below.
  • Working Title: 'Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause. The Whys, Whats and Hows of Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability'
    A book on Sustainopreneurship is in progress, sourcing content from popularized and re-edited academic publications, new research focusing case study collection and stories, and crowd-sourcing through community: blog comments and through the Café (virtual community) below. Read more about earlier, current and future publishing through the link above.

  • businesswithacause.jpg

  • The Book Group at Sustainopreneur's Café
    The book group over at the virtual community 'Sustainopreneur's Café' at Ning notifies when whole sections and chapters have finalized in chunks of 3k to 20k words, and getting ready for peer-reviewed and crowd-sourced feedback. This stage occurs when article-level contributions in 500 words and less have been blogged and commented.
  • The Book Wiki
    Here is the wiki for the book. This is the place where Collecting and Editing Outline, Synopsis and Content gets done, and in the end the whole book will be published online as a final stage before the PDF and ready-made print version.
  • The Final Step: Book Group at Scribd - ready-made with layout (PDFs)
    The final step in the writing/book-making process is the layout, taking the content from the book wiki and doing the design and formatting, ready for print and download. Chapter by chapter, then part by part, and finally the full book in its full manuscript.