NOTE: This blog is not updated anymore. The topic it covered has moved to the Main Blog Notes from a Sustainopreneur, e. g. categorized "Tools - Approaches - Enablers", or "Social Media".
Hi, Dear Visitor and Reader,
Where do you come from? Why did you end up here?
You could always step forward and add yourself a comment to this Top Post - yes, Always On Top, featured - if you find yourself and your stream of life worth traceable for me :).
Six questions, answered.
? What it is...
This blog,, is a complimentary blog, living side by side, on equal terms in importance and dignity, to my main one (Sustainopreneurship Dot Biz), where tools here covers the actual and practical means on how to reach a sustainable world mainly through business activity and creative results-oriented organizing - Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability. Business with a Cause. Sustainability Entrepreneurship. Sustainopreneurship.
In other words, if my main blog Notes from a Sustainopreneur focuses 'what' with current development of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability, 43tools blog covers 'how'.
Many of the tools and approaches for sustainopreneurship shares entrepreneurial tools at large, so the degree of generalization for principles and practices goes beyond sustainopreneurship. Entrepreneurship in general is strongly interpreted as "creative organizing", and given the developments especially with the world wide web circulating the internet infrastructure - a machine now beyond its 5000th day, and still no downtime, talk about technical sustainability! - the creative opportunities on how to do stuff with web applications and services is quite focused on this blog.
In fact, entrepreneurship in general is challenging, but entrepreneurship for sustainability is even more challenging, and thus gets even more dependent on creativity in the organizing process. Branding, networking, collaborating, promoting - all has to be extremely quick and cost-effective since sustainopreneurial ventures have both harder time to get the people with the right mindset and also must find beyond mainstream methods for promotion, due to the scarceties of good people and good, patient money for financing. And the message of 'business with a cause' is somewhat a reconstruction using business means to solve world problems, the 'not-for-profit mindset' commitment for the cause coupled with a 'for-profit business professionalism' in the doing - hybrid defined as 'for-prosperity' businesses.
So, talking about tools. This is the 'tool colophon' for this blogging and webbing: It is a blog that uses a blog tool from Typepad,, a blog that got inspired by its name from 43things, 43places, 43folders etc, originally from David Allen's practical and hands on approach to get things done. A static Web Page is created by using Google Pages,, a domain name registered through and redirected to the page using Google Pages. And yes, in that page comes a summary revoiced in the sidebar here.
As you see, along the way here - I refer to tools used in the process, so it is basically and literally taking to practice the ideas developed and covered since maybe the "difference engine" (the proto-computer made by Charles Babbage in the 19th C) was invented, as the greatest step since Gutenberg in info dissemination.
The semantic web is here, and the tools are there to take us further, maybe to reinvent ourselves in the end.
! Yes.
? Why is it...
Maybe a YouTube ( illustration works better from the guys behind Digital Ethnography - an Action Research community. Where YouTube is one of the 43tools in this respect, that helps us share moving pictures that would be making the Lumiere brothers stunned in awe and amazement! This creates a back-bone in the rationale to use virtual tools in the focus of virtual organizing, and thus the focus on virtualities here on this blog!
? Where is it...
It is here, through, and maybe also a Wiki is commencing over time. But there is alot of related stuff going on in this arena, to say the least. This blog is not about technology, is a blog about people, working - living - loving - sharing - creating - together.
And stuff to help us do so. Sometimes technological. In that order. People first.
? When it is...
I post in the manner when stuff actually enters my everyday life, a direct experience, and when I create distance and reflection around the tools as well, after some period of use. Also, too look beyond the obvious, and also collating stories where the interaction in between different tools are creating good work-flow stories and illustrative anecdotes. There are alot of buzz and review sites for all the literally thousands of tools that shows up, and I have no priority to go there in that hive in that manner with several blogs a day.
I would rather post in the manner e. g. one of the most influentual blogger in this arena, the creator behind TechCrunch, does annually - "Web apps I could not live without". Tried, tested, filtered, and entry to everydayness. He ends up in the two annual lists so far with maybe 20+ apps. Of thousands.
In general: Who would question a phone today? Yeah, we cannot live without it.
But for the recent snap-shot and shared discoveries, I refer to my blinklist with tag 43tools for the significant late timestamped discoveries, that blows my mind in the first impression!
But! The blogging takes a wider approach when blogs and articles are posted in the main stream post! Sometimes even philosophical in the midst of the practical and applied. Also, offline approaches to things, such as meeting facilitation methods and self-organizing practice is explored - on how to create, collaborate and organize.
? How is it...
It is scanning stuff that enters "Anders' World" start page I have in my Flock browser ( - "the browser for me and my friends" - a Firefox on Steroids! - where the My World Page of Flock is customized to be exactly that - my workd!). Two streams are there - my friend's updates from Facebook and Twitter imported and the RSS Feeds subscribed to. There, I have my discoveries.
? Who is...
Whois? Isn't that a service that helps us to see who is behind a Domain Name Registration? Is there a Whois for People Identities? How can we upload our identity? Who are we? Who are you? Who am I? How can we transfer ourselves without missing the vitals of our beings through the net?
As you see - I love questions more than answers, and that is certainly a part of "me" - but just for the sake of "me"-ing, I have a collection of ID tools online-wise at different spots - Typepad about page, Wink, ClaimID etc.
And the sum of my deeds and the rest of me is greater than me since I am not alone in this world, in the same manner as the sum of ourselves in the community is greater than "we".
So I would rather go beyond "me" as often as I can, since "me" is a trap where collective intelligence never can evolve if "me" is only voiced. Thus, I hope the Wiki to evolve over time. Begin by comment here or trackback there, if you find this stream attracting you.
Abrahamsson, tooled. But, anyways - I would let you go to the About link, just to have a summary, and maybe also for the brand I use as the entity / identity I keep as the formal "sender" for this - SLICE Service and Publishing™ - one of the five ventures I am part of running (link is going to a graphical illustration to relate the ventures in a simple format using CMAP - conceptual mapping - I call it my Action Map).
For the real-time format, I am streamed online in Twitter format as well, where this blog is fed as well through twitterfeed upon new posting - :). My twitter feed is quite focused only on my professional adventures, whereas I have some private/personal streams (blog, microblog and mobile mediablog) named Etwas Anders. To include ALL professional and personal/private streams into one aggregated feed, I have a lifestream over at Friendfeed -
At Slice Dot Nu I have a website in an extended business card format, which actually uses the four pages of my physical business card on each of the four pages as picture headers :).
So, that's it.
NOTE: This post was orignally posted 27MARCH2007, and re-edited and updated 22AUGUST2008.
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